martes, 24 de abril de 2012

SantLluc [20.4.2012]

Otra sesión con la misma modelo.
Same model, different day.






3 comentarios:

Dave dijo...

Excellent drawings!! They all look great. Makes me want to run out and do life drawing!
The drawings in the last post are brilliant too! When you use pencil, there's a certain air of Egon Schiele about them (one of my favourite artists!)

EclecticBox dijo...

Thanks Dave!
That's quite a compliment! Glad you like them!

BTW, you know I can't get you a discount for a 10 sessions voucher at Sant LLuc, so let me know if you feel like it and we go draw some models together! :)

El caimán de Legutiano dijo...

aprovechando tu comentario, se me ha ocurrido pasar por aquí, veo que sigues hecho un crack y eso me I liked :)! Un abrazo!